Case Presentation: Degenerative Disk Disease - Case 2
History and Physical
History and Physical
- 79 year-old physician with long history of low back pain, however, with increasing intensity over the past year with 9/10 intensity on Visual Analogue Scale with progressive loss of function in his lower extremities and specifically a right foot drop.
- His neurological examination showed weakness in ankle dorsiflexion, extensor hallucis longus, and numbness to pinprick along the L4, L5 and S1 distribution on the right side.

MRI scan of the lumbar spine shows sever lumbar stenosis at L4-L5 with near complete occlusion of the lumbar spinal canal at this level. There is also degenerative changes at this level. (Modic changes at L4-L5 level). He also had spondylolisthesis at L45 level.
Surgical Procedure

Post op Course
- He did well post operatively with resolution of his pain syndrome. His gait and balance also significantly improved.