Case Presentation:
Cervical Stenosis - Case 5
History & Physical
60-year-old right-handed lady who presented with electricity and burning type pain together with numbness and tingling in her arms and to a lesser extent her legs, together with urinary incontinence.
Her neurological examination showed upper tract signs suggesting spinal cord compression.
MRI scan of the patient's cervical spine (neck) showed severe stenosis (narrowing) at C4-C5, C5-C6, and C6-C7. Here the x-ray of her cervical spine shows degenerative disk disease of cervical spine.
Surgical Procedure
- After a comprehensive work-up and eliminating other potential contributing causes of her disease, and an appropriate period of conservative measures, she underwent anterior cervical discectomy and instrumented fusion (ACDF) at C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7.
Post-op Course
- She did well postoperatively. She regained her urinary continence. The pain in her upper extremity resolved as well.