Case Presentation:
Metastatic Melanoma - Case 5
- 59-year-old gentleman who with known diagnosis of primary stage IV melanoma who was found to have a large fronto-parietal metastatic brain tumor.
- On examination, he had no focal neurological deficit with the exception of mild weakness in the left side of his body (hemiparesis).
MRI scan of the patient’s brain showed a right frontoparietal brain tumor.
Computer Navigation

Computer navigation and stereotaxy utilized to map and localize the tumor (outlined in yellow) during surgery.
Surgical Procedure
- He underwent surgical resection of this tumor using brain mapping, stereotactic and computer navigation, and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring.
Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring was utilized to monitor the functional integrity of his nervous system during the operation.
Utilizing computer navigation, a small craniotomy was performed precisely over the tumor and the tumor was removed using this small opening.
Tumor was removed in a gross total fashion.
The pathology of the tumor confirmed diagnosis of metastatic melanoma.
Post-op MRI
Before Operation After Operation
Post-op MRI shows complete resection of the tumor with no injury to surrounding neurovascular structures.
Post-op Course
- The patient did well postoperatively with return to base line neurological status. He was discharged from the hospital and commenced with definitive treatment of his primary tumor (melanoma). He subsequently underwent stereotactic radiosurgery at the cavity of the tumor resection site to prevent any recurrence in this area.