Case Presentation:

Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Case 6

History and Physical

  • 72-year-old right handed lady with diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma three years ago with stage IIIC, having undergone laparotomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, primary tumor resection, omentectomy, and diaphragmatic stripping, and small bowel resection, presented with a solitary metastatic brain tumor in the right parietal-occipital region. She initially chose stereotactic radiosurgery (radiation treatment) instead of surgery. Unfortunatley despite the radiation treatment her tumor grew in size and resulted in tonic-clonic seizure.

  • On examination she had no focal neurological deficit and was completely alert and oriented.


Case 6 Image 1
MRI scan of the patient's brain showed a right parietal-occipital brain tumor with ring enhancement (left) and significant vasogenic edema (right).

Case 6 Image 2
MRI scan of the patient's brain showed a right parietal-occipital brain tumor with ring enhancement on axial (left) and coronal view (right).

Computer Navigation

Case 6 Image 3

Computer navigation and stereotaxy utilized to map and localize the tumor (outlined in yellow) during surgery.

Surgical Procedure

  • She underwent surgical resection of this tumor utilizing brain mapping, stereotactic and computer navigation, and intra-operative neurophysiological monitoring.

Case 6 Image 4

Utilizing computer navigation, a small craniotomy was performed precisely over the tumor and the tumor was removed using this small opening.

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Tumor was isolated using this small opening.

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Tumor was removed in a gross total en-bloc fashion


Case 6 Image 6
The pathology of the tumor confirmed diagnosis of metastatic ovarian carcinoma. 

Post-op Imaging

Case 6 Image 8 
Case 6 Image 9Before Operation                                            After Operation

Post-op MRI shows complete resection of the tumor with no injury to surrounding neurovascular structures.

Post-op Course


  • The patient did well postoperatively with no neurological deficit. She remained seizure free and was discharged home.